Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Luke 7:47

so much has happened in my life , i'm not going to blog about that though. I'll share about Inner Champion instead.

Luke 7:47 - Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.

Church has a course for it's members called Inner Champion. It's on Tuesdays fortnightly, and it's meant to build you up in God's Word and school you in the culture of the church.

Well, 3 days before one of the meetings (i think it was week 2) I came upon this verse in my quiet time. I think I didn't take it seriously at the time, but then at church God convicted me of it's true meaning.

"Do you know how much do I love you Yit Juan?"
"Do you know how much I've forgiven?"

I know of John 3:16, which states that God so loved the world (full stop) that He gave His only begotten son (in a different sense from how you and i are adopted into God's heirs) that whosoever trusts (not simply believeth, for even the Muslims and Catholics believe in Jesus) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I began to understand that in order to demonstrate God's forgiveness in my life , i needed to love much. Something i'm still struggling with, since it's so hard to find something to invest your love into. And i don't mean girls or stuff like that. I mean tangible friends. But i'm trying, and i feel it's best to love non-christians, because us christians already have God to turn to. It's the harvest which needs God.

Anyway, during Inner Champ, Ps. Debbie Prescott decides to share on forgiveness as well :)

Matt 6:15 - But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

So i found out that God's love comes full circle.

He first loved us -> He forgave us -> therefore we should love others much -> therefore we should forgive others much -> and by doing so we are constantly being renewed by God! and as we sin a lot in our daily lives it makes much sense to love and forgive others so that you may be forgiven by God.


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