Saturday, September 29, 2007


wah. my whole body is aching.

this reminds me - you need to do warm up before playing any sports. especially captain ball.

Friday, September 28, 2007

LASER - the church model

i can't believe it's been so long since i've wrote something so profound. This has been stuck in my heart since high school(SAM, Taylors 2002) when i first learnt about LASERs . Then, God spoke to my heart about what He wanted a church to be, and how it was connected to what I was studying. Maybe that's why i chose engineering, because i thought God would teach me to understand concepts and relate them to His word.

Anyway, we shall use the basic laser structure to demonstrate.

A laser consists of a tube of gas. Let's take the Helium Neon laser , with a 5:1 ratio. this means that for every 10% of Neon there is 50% Helium. Both gases are enclosed in a tube. When the energy source boots up, the 2kV potential strips electrons off the conductor, which collide and excite the Helium. An excited Helium electron(in a metastable phase), when colliding with the ground state Neon , will propel the Neon to a 3S state. This state is where the emission of a photon (which is required for laser) happens.

anyway, basically the Energy Source is the Holy Spirit, and the electrons are the congregation. In order for the laser to be emitted, there needs to be a "population inversion" where there is a greater number of emissions taking place , ie. Church members "shining their light". Also, 98% of the laser light produced is actually reflected back into the tube. This means that for a church to start reaching out to others, it must first start by reaching out to itself, shining their light inwards and building up relationships and encouragement.

properties of a LASER light
Different parts of the laser beam are related to each other in phase. These phase relationships are maintained over long enough time so that interference effects may be seen or recorded photographically. This coherence property is what makes holograms possible.

We base our model on the fact that the "light" produced is in fact the light spoken of in Matthew 5:14-16. The light produced by the church, the actions and works of faith in Jesus are related to each other. And these phase relationships are maintained over time, so long that in fact they are made visible to normal eyes! Shining our light to one another isn't a "just one time" affair, it takes time and effort. Until testimony after testimony comes in of how the relationship has built up and strengthened both parties. Until even other people can see and say what a good relationship-in-Christ these two brothers/sisters have!

2) COLLIMATED ie, directional.
Because of bouncing back between mirrored ends of a laser cavity, those paths which sustain amplification must pass between the mirrors many times and be very nearly perpendicular to the mirrors. As a result, laser beams are very narrow and do not spread very much.

This is simply awesome! In order for the light of the church to be penetrative into this dark world , what do we do? plunge directly into the unknown? No! we start by building each other up!

Look. The light gets amplified because it has been bouncing inside the tube for many many times before being actually burst into the outside world. When it does, it has reached a magnitude maybe 10s of 1000s of times greater than it originally was. A lot of congregations, maybe even small groups, not just churches, want to see results and start impacting their surroundings immediately. I don't recall the apostles receiving the Holy Spirit immediately when Jesus left the earth. It took 50 days till that happened. I guess what this means is that to be effective in the ministry, each and every member of the congregation must start by first demonstrating their love to one another before bursting out into the world, so that by the time they start shining their light outside it sort of comes as second nature. Note though, that 2% of leakage occurs. there is a constant output into the harsh world outside, and this output slowly gets bigger in force.

3) MONOCHROMATIC. This means that all the light is of a single colour, or more precisely, of a single WAVELENGTH. I can't stress how important this is, it is not a good idea to be on a different wavelength or frequency than your leaders and elders. It is they who steer the church in the right direction, so even if you want to diversify, if the pastor says no/wait , you should be submissive and not argue.


so much has happened

yea. so much.

What Is? came and went , and blew everyone away. 51 decisions made. 51 new brothers and sisters. awesome!

Wilson's prom was simply amazing. So nice to just look onto the majestic mountains and vast oceans that God had created. Poor kangaroo though , i think we ran over it's tail with 3 different cars.

Inner Champion was fun. I know i've heard the faith of the centurion story a million times, but it's just God's simple reassurance to me that : just ask Me , believe that if I say it , it will be done. I mean, prayer is so simple , and yet so hard. We expect instant results. We expect to SEE it happen. We expect to use visible and earthly means to get our prayers answered. We do not realise God can also work behind the scenes. We do not grasp the power of Jesus, all He needs to do is say the word and the prayer is answered. Just pray and commit to Him.

Games Day just concluded. FANTASTIC FAITH won the cup! lol it was a great team effort for everyone. I guess it all boils down to the fact that most of our members came and the familiarity and team spirit was present.

I guess i had better go back to assignments and work. I can't believe i've studied for 4.5 years to be an engineer, only to realise at the last moment that I do not want to be one, i just want to get out of uni, get a job and get married. WTF? i'm seriously sick of studying and failing and picking myself up and falling down again.

Monday, September 17, 2007

i posted a bc comic but it was too big :/

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I got this from Strength For the Journey and thought i'd share it. And also so i can look back at it in times to come.

If you’re among those who love God’s Word, here’s how to give it the VIP treatment in your heart.

Visualize it. Take a relevant principle from Scripture and visualize what it would look like if you lived it out. What would be the outcome of praying for your enemies? What if you gave your money to a worthy cause rather than buying that thing you’ve been wanting? Think about what it would look like if you lived out God’s Word.

Internalize it. The best way to meditate on God’s Word is to memorize it. When we get it inside our heads, it enables the Spirit to bring it to mind in “clutch” situations.

Personalize it. Don’t just think of the Scripture in vague terms, but insert personal pronouns and pray the passage back to God using “I” and “me” so that His Word is directed right to your heart.

Luke 7:47

so much has happened in my life , i'm not going to blog about that though. I'll share about Inner Champion instead.

Luke 7:47 - Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.

Church has a course for it's members called Inner Champion. It's on Tuesdays fortnightly, and it's meant to build you up in God's Word and school you in the culture of the church.

Well, 3 days before one of the meetings (i think it was week 2) I came upon this verse in my quiet time. I think I didn't take it seriously at the time, but then at church God convicted me of it's true meaning.

"Do you know how much do I love you Yit Juan?"
"Do you know how much I've forgiven?"

I know of John 3:16, which states that God so loved the world (full stop) that He gave His only begotten son (in a different sense from how you and i are adopted into God's heirs) that whosoever trusts (not simply believeth, for even the Muslims and Catholics believe in Jesus) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I began to understand that in order to demonstrate God's forgiveness in my life , i needed to love much. Something i'm still struggling with, since it's so hard to find something to invest your love into. And i don't mean girls or stuff like that. I mean tangible friends. But i'm trying, and i feel it's best to love non-christians, because us christians already have God to turn to. It's the harvest which needs God.

Anyway, during Inner Champ, Ps. Debbie Prescott decides to share on forgiveness as well :)

Matt 6:15 - But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

So i found out that God's love comes full circle.

He first loved us -> He forgave us -> therefore we should love others much -> therefore we should forgive others much -> and by doing so we are constantly being renewed by God! and as we sin a lot in our daily lives it makes much sense to love and forgive others so that you may be forgiven by God.
