Monday, June 11, 2007

Disappointment Builds Character

finding it hard to blog recently , what with the internet shaping and all uni work. But God has been blessing me time and time again, and I know He won't let me down!

I just thought i'd share about disappointment. Lately I've been thinking, why don't I step out of my shell a bit more. Maybe because I'm afraid of being disappointed by the world and stuff in life. But i read somewhere(i think it was a secular thingie) that parents who allow their children a greater deal of freedom, while not slacking the reins totally, end up giving their children a better childhood and they grow molded into better and more resilent characters.

so ... i'm gonna do the impossible.

step up and step out. Not afraid of rejection or fear , knowing that i live for worshiping and serving my God ONLY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey yit juan, it's a scary thought isn't it to step out of our comfort zone? But God is our rock and the one who protects us from the uncertainties of the world. Step up and step out, chin up and shoulders squared :) If God is for us, who can be against us?