Sunday, August 24, 2008


Church was awesome today. There was such an atmosphere of release, coming and seeing what everyone had been through the past week. I never thought it would happen though, you rarely hear of disgrace happening and i didn't think i'd see the time when a pastor whom i thought was the very definition of Planet Shaker actually be exposed as a fraud.

Ps Russell spoke about how the focus was supposed to be God, all the time and never take our focus off Him when running the race.

Well while worshipping today i had a revelation about the goal; the prize; eternal life. Basically, an image of what eternal life was meant to be. It resonated with my spirit. I told God; yes, this is what I want to do forever.

I can't believe my perception of heaven was so wrong though.I always imagined heaven to be:

pearly white gates
golden pavement
a large mansion
lion and the lamb cuddling together
beautiful rivers and trees and fruits and every living creature
meeting up with my lost cat(s) and dog again

How wrong could i be?

But i got a refocused view of what eternal life is like. It's being in the throne room of God , worshipping Him in His all, splendour, glory. It's then that i realised that I would love to spend the rest of eternity just doing that. I mean, we tend to think of heaven as a place where life goes on smoothly. But what does our life on earth prepare us for? An eternal life of worship. And you know what, God?

I'm going to focus my eyes on that vision. That hope. Psalms 27:4. Dancing, praising, singing, forever in Your presence. Because You deserve that.

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