Monday, July 02, 2007


i simply love this song

lay down my life before You Lord
stand here in wonder of Your love
Lord i live for You alone
You're worthy of all praise

all of heaven shouts Your Name
all the earth will bring You praise
with my life i honour You
You're worthy of all praise

You're all i want
You're all i need
my one desire

my hope is found in You
everything i need is at Your feet
my life i lay it down an offering
i'm living for the glory of Your Name

You are all i need
You are all i need
You are all i need

2 parts strike me the most:
i) "With my life i honour You"
A promise, to honour God with all my life. i know i may not be there totally but i'm trying so hard and i know that if i honour God with my life He will bless me in return

ii) "everything i need is at Your feet"
i cant stress how much i feel about this line. the notion that we throw down all our achievements and burdens and kneel at the feet of Jesus. the allusion to the simple sacred worship that the prostitute did, pouring her year's wages of perfume onto His feet and wiping it clean with her hair, her crowning glory. What is my crowning glory? it is nothing more than a gift from God, to be used to display radical worship to my creator.

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