Monday, June 11, 2007


i'm up at the crack of dawn.

but my housemate is up earlier. He's a devout Muslim, who (i just found out recently) wakes up at 5:30am every day to do his solat. hey , i think he just went back to bed.

i truly respect that. I mean , he is serving his God diligently , and does his prayers 5 times a day.

What about me?

I know i shouldn't compare, what with 2 different religions and all that, but his faith towards Allah really inspires me. What do i do for God everyday? do i spend even once in close contact with Him? do i indulge in a little intimacy with my beloved Saviour? do i dance before His throne of salvation? do i speak of His mercy and grace?

even waking up early is a pain for some ppl (like the pig in me)

but there's more to life than 8 hours of sleep. More than simply a 5 minute phone call to God. More than just a wandering stumble through the road we call life.

i made a promise - my knees are gonna get chapped and crisped from kneeling before my King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that . Musl** are very devoted in regards to how they live in routine.sometimes it really reflect on how our time vs thier time

But right. OUr God is a God of relationship. He values they times we spend and He sees clearly what is in us.. majority of time we fail. But He is still there. To change us..

If we were to do our routinely. I think we won;t do it for Who GOD is but just a routine:D