Wednesday, April 25, 2007

chasing Life

Imagine you're with your daughter. You decide to play hide and seek. She closes her eyes and counts to , say 20. You run and hide.

How do you hide?

You hide, but you want to be found. You await eagerly the moment when she cries with delight , squealing "I found you!" as you sweep her into your arms and lift her up into the sky.

Our God hides in the same way.

When you're down and tired, we think ... "Where is God?" All He wants is for us to press on harder. It's like finishing counting, looking around and immediately getting down on our knees and crying. We need to push on harder and CHASE after our God. He's always waiting to catch us and fill us, and lift us higher.

Proverbs 8:17 says "I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me will FIND Me." And in verse 35, it says "For whoever finds Me finds life."

SO ... do you want to know if you're living life? Go find Jesus.

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