Thursday, May 25, 2006


wah lau eh ... exams coming ... but PRAISE GOD , He comes thru all the time!

Metal Detector working fine

Projects all passed

Extra students for tuition

more pocket money

God I need to Bless U more! AND i need more and more of U!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

nonsensical musings

a new life, a new beginning. a new page and a new leaf to turn over.

but everything feels so old again

i'm settling back into my old routine around the house ... wake up, uni , lunch , uni , dinner ... study, sleep. everything feels normal again. or is it?

cant wait for the day when i go back to melbourne again, meet up and catch up with old friends.

everything seems so fast around here. in a way i like the pace, as it perks one up and keeps them going. melbourne's pace of life is so slow and dreary.

i'm rambling as i go on blogging. i dont really have a blog title or what i wanna post. i do have a lot of word in my head but it's not coming out yet. and apparently the air in kl is really bad, i've got a major sore throat and headache within the last few days :(

i'd better pen off now. i've got a new direction for this blog, an we'll see in the weeks to come if i'm up to blogging once every 2-3 days . or not.

hopefully i wont fall back into my old procrastinating self. that self is long gone, discarded when i stepped onto the plane to kl. and i dont intend to encounter it when i return :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Fall into place

WOW. every sermon this year has been lifechanging and powerful, impacting my life and best/worse of all , hitting right where it hurts most - home. I mean, some ppl dont know what i'm going through. I feel strangely calm, and have even recently discovered what I may be sent back to do.

Anyway, the Planetshakers Conference was awesome. But God had bigger plans for me.

The week after, Ps. Matt preached. It was like setting the stage for me, because while I caught the tail-end of that sermon I was rocked.

Then came Reggie, speaking about how "sometimes your ship's gotta wreck so others can be saved ..." and how all 276 prisoners aboard the ship were saved by clinging onto the planks ... broken parts of the ship. It hit home because my ship was about to wreck and I couldn't do nothing about it.(Acts 27)

Chris Hill shared the week after. *BOOM* he preached up a storm. Light of God struck me like a lightning bolt , how we gotta persist in the graveyard because until God shows up we ain't gonna let Him go. The graveyard , where I felt my life was at.(Jn 20:1-18) Also he told us not to be like Peter and John, who after seeing the fact that Jesus wasn't at the tomb anymore just went straight back home to their families. Only Mary persisted for a glimpse of God and she was rewarded, first person to meet with Jesus after His ressurection!

Ps Russell came during the last week of church. Hard to top two weeks of chocolate goodness, but boyoboy he did! Last year's theme was Isaiah 60(Arise Shine for Your light ... is come!)

This year? Isaiah 61. It is powerful! "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ..." Those words of power and so full of promise ... coming the week after I had made up my mind about coming home for a year , God's promises hit me.

And Ps Sam Evans ... what would we do without her :) she's a mighty woman of God. Bringing about a message of reassurance, but also a message about our mission. Jeremiah 1:4 spoke about how God knew us before we were born ... God set us apart and appointed us spokespersons to the world, so that we could prophesy to the world about God.

Everything is falling into place now ...

I am confident ... this year , things can only get better , in His kingdom.

Been awhile

Yea , been awhile since i last step foot into Blogger. I'll hafta try hard to make a commitment to blog at least once every 2-3 days.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


So ... i haven't updated this blog in a loooong time ... been caught up with uni and then lost interest. I'd better make the most of my url though ...

what i got for the New Year's ...

PS Conference 2006 was awesome! life-changing sermons from Reggie Dabbs, Chris Hill and Matt Fielder. Ps Russell Evans, as usual, had something going on in the last night. He never ceases to amaze me. I mean, i know he's got the authority of God to speak into our lives(being the senior pastor and such) but everytime Ps Russell steps on stage ... EVERYTIME he takes the mic and starts to speak, even before his words escape his lips, his mere presence on the stage ushers in the Holy Presence of God. It's like the presence is with him and when he chooses to minister to the church the Holy Spirit can just be felt slowly washing over the church.

One verse that continues to hit me even to this day is Psalm 27:4 - One thing i ask of the Lord, this is what i seek; that i may dwell in the house of the Lord all my days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.

for in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at His tabernacle will i sacrifice with shouts of joy; i will sing and make music to the Lord.

I just rediscovered my first love; Jesus Christ. i had always loved church, but it was for the presence and fellowship of friends, and been thrusdt into an unfamiliar church i struggled to fit in. But i remember that it is not who's in the church that i should care about but more so Who is in the church. the great I AM. that's the reason i go to church now.