Sunday, June 17, 2007

lake wallpaper

So serene ...

Free Image Hosting at

on another note , i've got 2 more exams ... 22nd and 25th! arghh ... so far away

Monday, June 11, 2007


i'm up at the crack of dawn.

but my housemate is up earlier. He's a devout Muslim, who (i just found out recently) wakes up at 5:30am every day to do his solat. hey , i think he just went back to bed.

i truly respect that. I mean , he is serving his God diligently , and does his prayers 5 times a day.

What about me?

I know i shouldn't compare, what with 2 different religions and all that, but his faith towards Allah really inspires me. What do i do for God everyday? do i spend even once in close contact with Him? do i indulge in a little intimacy with my beloved Saviour? do i dance before His throne of salvation? do i speak of His mercy and grace?

even waking up early is a pain for some ppl (like the pig in me)

but there's more to life than 8 hours of sleep. More than simply a 5 minute phone call to God. More than just a wandering stumble through the road we call life.

i made a promise - my knees are gonna get chapped and crisped from kneeling before my King.

Disappointment Builds Character

finding it hard to blog recently , what with the internet shaping and all uni work. But God has been blessing me time and time again, and I know He won't let me down!

I just thought i'd share about disappointment. Lately I've been thinking, why don't I step out of my shell a bit more. Maybe because I'm afraid of being disappointed by the world and stuff in life. But i read somewhere(i think it was a secular thingie) that parents who allow their children a greater deal of freedom, while not slacking the reins totally, end up giving their children a better childhood and they grow molded into better and more resilent characters.

so ... i'm gonna do the impossible.

step up and step out. Not afraid of rejection or fear , knowing that i live for worshiping and serving my God ONLY.