Monday, October 10, 2005

lil' updates

Oh man , you have no idea ... sucks being an engineering student , so many assignments to do , and so much failure of subjects even before the exams . daym .

havent had time to update much. Jer just got his new camera , and before i got my other stuff from the net! fast shipping from HK , took it 2 days via FedEx. looks pretty good; u know he's gonna have a swell time playing ard with it :)

eBay business hasn't taken off yet , due to some issues with suppliers. But, trusting in God that all will work out well. my Neopets venture isn't all that bad either , it's like everytime i buy 5 of them 3 will turn out to be the hard-to-find colours that sell higher on eBay. heheh

off to do assignment ... due on Wednesday/Friday. WTF !!! 2 days left , have so much to do . *sighs*

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Serenity 宁静

Watched Serenity[宁静] at Century Glen w/ Hau Wei, Jeremy, Joshua, Derek and Jon. It was pretty good, them using the actors/actresses from Firefly as well. A few parts were predictable(the ending , especially), but in the end it was a rollicking good plot-driven movie. The first 5 minutes were the best! I felt they borrowed a bit of the plot device from Elfen Lied. And there wasn't enough ppl dying to make it memorable. I guess leaving it open for a sequel would be better then killing everyone off , but still ...

Now ... might have to watch A History of Violence soon. It's out , and written by the David Cronenberg himself. Was a good graphic novel(ie:Sin City-esque) read, and is already receiving rave reviews. Excessive gore/sex scenes , though. You'll either like it or hate it.

I hafta go finish up my ECE3704 assignment. a real pain in the bum. till then!

*ps. check out zion-tec on eBay! we probably start listing this Friday!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Start of something fresh

First post , and a new beginning!

just got my own domain name at Am linking it to this page first until hols start. Then i'll sit down and seriously think about a flash blog , with my very own webhost. w00t!

Formed a company with Hau Wei , Jeremy and Chen Hua. link's at the bottom , or here ... selling IT related goods at cheap prices ! Will keep ya updated on when we take off.

till then , bye!

ps. going to watch Serenity tonight. Joss Whedon wrote it , should be flippin' awesome!